Written by: Alex Green
We here at SEM are excited to premiere the new single by the black watch.
Taken from the band’s new four-song effort The White EP, “Off You Go” is a straight-up banger. A nearly three-minute blast of pure pop stomp, “Off You Go” is one of the most thrilling and exhilarating tracks of this young year. It’s sonic momentum at its best.
Of the song, singer John Andrew Fredrick says: “Having just finished recording a quite ornate, strings-laden LP with Scott Campbell (Acetone, Carina Round, many TBW albums), what to do but go back into the studio–this time with Rob Campanella (Brian Jonestown Massacre) and record four very fuzzy-dirty numbers, each with its own alternate-tuned guitars?!”
As for the accompanying video, Fredrick says it, “..sort of wonders what the principal characters in Mike Nichols’ classic The Graduate would make of today’s zany-crazy world. I often taught the film in my days as a prof: and I loved turning the students on to Nichols’ masterwork. One day, weirdly, while we were discussing the film, Dustin Hoffman walked by our classroom. What?! Was that just…? Did you guys see…? On the hurry-up I sent one of my most, er, charming students out to the parking lot to try and pull him in and say a few words about the film. No go: he told the student he was late for a meeting; we could see good old ‘Benjamin’ (an alum, apparently, of the school) through the windows as he plunged himself into a limo and was driven away. Video orchestrated by Frank Victor Weinert, who’s done a few of ours down the years.”
Order the black watch’s The White EP on Bandcamp