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STEREO EMBERS VIDEO PREMIER – Oakland band Ötzi’s spooky good “Drought”

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Fresh off the Out From the Shadows III festival in Portland OR, Oakland deathrock/post-punk band Ötzi (Akiko, Gina, Jonathan) keep the manic momentum going by presenting their latest video, a bucolic-goth divination that blends a becowled afternoon noir sensibility with inter-cut performance imagery to produce a sharp fast provocation that more than capably matches the furor of the track it’s supporting, a bonus track from the band’s recent Gong Show EP, released last October on Long Way to Go Records (and available here). Part of an insanely talented, burgeoning scene in a city that most definitely has a ‘there’ there now, Ötzi have an LP scheduled to arrive this summer, just recorded while in Portland at Stan Wright’s Buzz or Howl studios. Definitely, DEFINITELY stay tuned.