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Stereo Embers TRACK OF THE DAY – Monochrome Set’s “Iceman”

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First formed in Hornsey (London) in 1978, the indefatigable Monochrome Set dared to break up for 5 quick but interminable years between 1985-1990 then again for the absolutely eternal ten years starting in 1998. Fortunately, in both instances, the band that first burst upon the scene as a giddily irreverent presence in the dark and mostly serious post-punk party with the immortal debut album Strange Boutique, an album that knocked us all over with its effortless idiosyncrasies and pinpoint playfulness (not to mention just cracking great tunes; just browse that link directly above) couldn’t stay away from the fray and have been back amongst us since 2008, showing in that span absolute no sign of flagging. Indeed, as evidenced by this lead single off their recently issued Spaces Everywhere album – of which you can expect a review early next week – they retain all the bounce and verve that marked them out as sui generis popsters in the first place. Hats off then to Bid, Mister Lester Square and the rest of them, may you forever prosper.


[feature photo by Martin Morris]