Written by: Dave Cantrell and Scott Hanavan
Aside from welcoming back from a transcendental Levitation experience our psych guru Scott Hanavan, we also welcome the perfectly named The Holydrug Couple to SEM’s lysergic lair. Adopting an hypnotic and invigorating blend of tuneful pop deliverance that The Flaming Lips only remotely wish they were still capable of, The Holydrug Couple, on the strength of just this track alone, have become our own lodestar of all that is groovy and inspirational. The droney goodness obtained on this song could, if we’re not careful, lead us to abandon all our worldly goods and join a hedonistic ashram on the outskirts of Santiago, holding hands and dancing around the bonfire with Follakzoid and dreaming of a fresh new world. Click it and float away on waves of hope and celestial harmony.
[debut album Moonlust just released on Sacred Bones and available here]