Written by: Dave Cantrell
Based out of that ultimate creative incubator Los Angeles, Michael Cuenca, even by LA standards, is one prolific dude. Currently slinging his third (!) full-length film “I’ll Be Around” (check out the sizzle reel here), he’s also moved on from the defunct Dignitary to a new concept/band, Some Daggers Wear Red. Blasting out to the public for the first time here on SEM, we’re happy to report that this new project has all the propulsive nous that Dignitary so effortlessly displayed with an almost insouciant nonchalance (no surprise that Dig members Fallon Scherzinger – bass – and guitarist Gabe are involved here) but this time abetted by a ringing pop sense that wouldn’t feel all that out of place in the reformed Chameleons or maybe a reconstituted Records with a fresh new maturity, all the while repping a peculiarly Los Angeleno sensibility. Whatever, we’re as stoked as stoked gets. Happiness abounds.