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Stereo Embers TRACK OF THE DAY – “Heart of Iron” by Emperor Zero

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Hailing from that bottomless oasis of intriguing pop suss and nuance known as Manchester, we actually know very little about Emperor Zero, except that there are four lads in the band – Matt Boswell, Howard Sherrington, Matt Whittle, and Danny Blows – they’ve released a single every two years since 2011, and that they make a mystifyingly riveting noise that’s something akin to post-punk being pumped through your bloodstream like a fresh, noirish, slyly violent imperative. With that in mind, and with a sound like this, we’re not sure a single has ever been better named. Even cooler? The single is now available to purchase as a limited edition silver pendant with digital download from the band’s label’s (SWAYS) store here.