Written by: Dave Cantrell
This is wholly unplanned. Unforeseen and unexpected. And yet it has taken over our hearts and our attention and our libido all at once at which point we have absolutely no choice but to share it with you. Imagine Deaf School banging into Roxy Music and the entire prolapsed mess bowling over Sparks at their most exuberant with an added touch of JG Thirlwell and you’ve arrived at a place where London-based band HMLTD doesn’t just live but thrives. Doesn’t just thrive but osmoses into a beast wherein the human need for escape into one’s most vital self is intercepted by the more primal urge to give in to the jugular of lust, wanton escapism and a mania of focused intent. We don’t know why, can’t imagine how, HMLTD escaped our notice until tonight but if ever there was a case of ‘better late than fucking desperate never’ this is it. We’re going to leave the mundane nicety of words behind now and proceed to the audio/visual portion of our presentation. We feel undone and sanctified by our discovery tonight, and hope and assume that you will at the very least feel something close to the very same. Click on…
That’s enough for now, but we strongly STRONGLY suggest you seek out more on your own. However it happens that a force this, well, forceful can elude our grasp over a period of five years or so (at least) is beyond us but we’re just happy to have caught up to them no matter how late to the game we may be. Better to be thrilled at last than to not be thrilled at all…